Route Calgary to Winnipeg

Route map, with some key places marked, for the second part of the journey.


  1. Susan and Clif : Now you are moving into the prettiest parts of Canada. Rhoda was raised (until ten) near Bredenberry (isn't that a great name) and I am from a farm near Minnedosa in Manitoba. I believe that if you stay in the campgrounds near the Lake you will want to stay-on and extra day! Thinking of you. Rhoda and Jim

  2. We have enjoyed the last couple of days cycling since Saskatoon. We have seen several 'ghost' towns along the route and it seems such a shame that people have moved away. However, we will look forward to Bredenberry and Minnedosa.

  3. Frank Currie - Ottawa11 June 2014 at 20:49

    You will be grateful the prevailing wind is from the west/north-west on those long,long straight stretches of roads on the Prairies. You can readily imagine the buffalo ranging these flat-lands. If you visited the "Buffalo Jump" near Drumheller you would find a place with a familiar name : a 'Midden' (where the natives cut up the buffalo herded over the jump)..

  4. Hi Frank. Yes we are more than grateful the prevailing winds have been in our favour. Every morning we don't care about the sun or the rain. It's all about wind direction! Also the herds of buffalo that once ranged over the Prairies must have been a marvellous sight.
